Monday, March 30, 2020

Good Monday Morning Terrific Twos!  
I hope you had rest and fun over break, thinking of creative ways to spend time with family and stay connected to friends from a distance.  Did any of you create drawings or messages to place on your windows for community scavenger hunts? On my walks (keeping  a 2m distance from others), I enjoyed reading and looking at all the art and messages posted in windows!  I saw many children having creative play outside too.. climbing trees, and shoveling snow into piles to slide on in their yards.  I'd love to hear what things you invented, created or helped with over break.  You can complete a journal entry, draw and label or write and illustrate.  For now,  if you like, you can take a picture of your work and email it to me.  Later on this week, I will let you know where to share your work and how I will be sharing your learning assignments.   I am so looking forward to working with all of you on distance learning.  You are missed! I know there will be challenges, I'm calling it "homelearningtopia" , here is a the clip to get us into the spirit of trying and persevering even when things are difficult!  Ok, out of your chairs, get ready, dance and sing along!
Think of a creating a place to do your school work and organize your supplies for learning... will you need to share your space with others in the family?  How will you share computer time/pencils/supplies? 
Create a schedule... its important to have a routine.  Write down when you will get up, eat breakfast, check on your lessons for the morning and complete work. Don't forget to build in 'brain breaks', P.E. and music.  More ideas on how to complete these at home will be coming.  
Remember, when creating your schedule, use a strategy that works for you.. is it writing it out in steps, drawing images, or a combination of drawing and labeling. 
I'll be connecting with your family via email today to share more information outlining some of the next steps for learning adventures. I will also be phoning families over the next couple of days to check in and respond to any question from the email. More details will be shared throughout the coming week.
Have a great day,
Ms. Patterson

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Good Monday Morning! Each of you have received a code in your gmail (edu)  to enter the classroom.  Please let me know if you have any diff...