Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Terrific Tuesday Twos!
Do you know what a proverb is? Do you think they are fact or fiction?  Read on…

A proverb is a saying or rhyme that gives some advice. Sometimes it uses simile, a comparison between two different things.  A common proverb heard in March is: “In like a lion, out like a lamb”. March has a lot of changing weather, as I bet you have noticed!  Some days are very warm and sunny and then there are days like today, cold and snowy.   This saying came from comparing the wild March weather to the roaring of lion and the more settled, warm weather of April to the gentle lamb. However, it is important to remember that this fun saying is not an accurate weather predictor!
How can you tell that this is not a very accurate weather prediction?
Here is a fun story that was created about the March proverb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia6IVZlwcxs

Do you use proverbs in your family? What do they mean to your family? Jot down your ideas.
Here are some other proverbs… what do you think they mean?  Do you think you could make a little story about one, like the story you just heard ?  Give it a try!  Can’t wait to read your work! You can also find other proverbs or create your own! Have fun!

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
“Early bird catches the worm”

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